As organizations evolve, team members need proper access to entities and information that supports their roles. Whether internal or third-party users, you can have peace of mind by tailoring user roles and permissions, such as visibility into corporate services or ownership details.
To add a user to your EntityKeeper account, simply:
- Click your name in the top right corner and then click "Accounts" on the dropdown menu.
- Scroll down and click the "Settings" button to the right of the account name.
- Scroll down to the Users section and click the plus icon button.
A modal window will appear prompting you to enter basic user details, configure general/entities permissions, and select which entities and personnel the user can access. It's important to note that there is a tooltip (question mark icon) next to the "Role" field that provides more information on what each role entails.
General Permissions = tabs on the main navigation bar
Entities Permissions = tabs on the entity-level
Click here for more information on the sections and fields available for your EntityKeeper subscription.
- Once you are finished, click the "Save" button and your new user will receive an invitation email!